7th European Radar Conference (EURAD), Paris, Fransa, 30 Eylül - 01 Ekim 2010, ss.396-399
When the time resolution of the signals is not so good, we can't rely on the time of arrival (TOA) information. On the other hand, if the frequency resolution of the signals is good, than frequency of arrival (FOA) informations will be more reliable. Localization of a moving, non-maneuvering target is possible by using Doppler-shift measurements in MIMO radar systems. A new method for target localization in frequency-only MIMO radar is proposed and it is compared with previous method. These methods use only received frequencies, and all of other unknown quantities can be written by using locations of the target, the receivers and the transmitters. If the received frequencies are known only, desired area can be searched grid by grid for all possible (x, y) coordinates to find the position of the target in 2D space.