9th International Conference on Flexible Query Answering Systems (FQAS 2011), Ghent, Belgium, 26 - 28 October 2011, vol.7022, pp.330-341
In mining gradual patterns the idea is to express co-variations of attributes, taking the direction of change of attribute values into account. These patterns are such as {the more A, the more B}, {the more A, the more B, the less C} or {the higher the speed, the higher the danger}. These patterns are denoted as {A >= B >= }, {A >= B >= C <=} or { speed >= danger >=} respectively. Such patterns hold if the variation constraints simultaneously hold on the attributes. However, it is often hardly possible to compare attribute values, either because the values are taken from noisy data, or because it is difficult to consider that a small difference between two values is meaningful. In this context, we focus on the use of fuzzy orderings to take this into account. abstract environment.