14th National Biomedical Engineering Meeting, İzmir, Turkey, 20 - 22 May 2009, pp.175-178
In this study, performance results of data acquisition systems realized for "electrical conductivity imaging of biological tissues via contactless measurement", a new imaging modality developed in METU Brain Research Laboratories, are presented. Each system, employing magnetic induction-magnetic measurements technique, obtains conductivity data from the object to be imaged via contactless measurements and sends the data to the PC The operating frequencies of the systems are between 10-100 kHz, The sensor types used in the systems are: 1) differential coil, 2) single coil, and 3) array coils. It is observed from the experiments that all of the systems are sensitive to the conductivity variations around the average tissue conductivity of 0.2 S/m. The results reveal the clinical potential of the relatively novel imaging modality developed in METU Brain Research Laboratories