Simulating Flood Due to Dam Break

Dinçer A. E., Bozkuş Z., Şahin A. N., Demir A., Eslamian S.

in: Flood Handbook, Saeid Eslamian,Faezeh Eslamian, Editor, CRC Press, Taylor&Francis Group, Florida, pp.487-508, 2022

  • Publication Type: Book Chapter / Chapter Research Book
  • Publication Date: 2022
  • Publisher: CRC Press, Taylor&Francis Group
  • City: Florida
  • Page Numbers: pp.487-508
  • Editors: Saeid Eslamian,Faezeh Eslamian, Editor
  • Middle East Technical University Affiliated: Yes


In this study, idealized 2D dam-break problems are investigated numerically. The results of three recently published experimental studies are used to validate the numerical solutions. Among the numerical simulations, a recently developed computer code that uses the smoothed particle hydrodynamics (SPH) method with a novel boundary model is introduced. On the other hand, for a mesh-based approach, large eddy simulation (LES), the k-ε turbulence models, and a laminar model are employed. Turbulence models are used since downstream of the dam, turbulence may be deemed to be effective. Both free-surface and velocity profiles are numerically simulated. The general trend of the free-surface profile and the velocity profiles of the simulation results of the SPH method is pretty close to the results of the experiments. Turbulence modeling does not improve the results significantly. It is seen that the SPH method as a mesh-free method and laminar, k-ε turbulence, and LES models along with the VOF tracking as the mesh-based methods can be used for the prediction of dam-break flows. However, the inclination angle of the channel may somewhat adversely affect the accuracy of the k-ε turbulence model. In addition, the computational time of SPH decreases with the proposed boundary model. The boundary model is promising for the fluid-structure interaction problems with SPH although it may cause truncation problems.