9th ACM/IEEE International Conference on Information Processing in Sensor Networks (IPSN), Stockholm, Sweden, 12 - 16 April 2010, pp.436-437
Falls are identified as a major health risk for the elderly and a major obstacle to independent living. Considering the remarkable increase in the elderly population of developed countries, methods for fall detection have been a recent active area of research. However, existing methods often use only wearable sensors, such as acceloremeters, or cameras to detect falls. In this demonstration, in contrast to the state of the art solutions, we focus on the use of multi-modal wireless sensor networks within the WeCare framework. WeCare system is developed as a solution for independent living applications by remotely monitoring the health and well-being of its users. We describe the general structure of WeCare and demonstrate its fall detection method. Our set-up not only includes scalar sensors to detect falls and motion but also consists of embedded cameras and RFID tags and uses sensor fusion techniques to improve the success of fall detection and minimize the false positives.