Corpus Linguistics 2003 Conference, Lancaster, United Kingdom, 28 - 31 March 2003, pp.17-19
Corpora of texts are used typically to study the structure and function of language. The distribution of various linguistic units, comprising tarts in a corpus are used to make and test hypotheses relevant to different linguistic levels of description. News reports and editorials have been used extensively to populate corpora for studying language, for making dictionaries and for writing grammar books. News reports of financial markets are generally accompanied by time-indexed series of values of shares, currencies and so on, reflecting the change in value over a period of time. A corpus linguistic method for extracting sentiment indicators, e.g. shares going tip or a currency falling down, is presented together with a technique for correlating the quantitative time-series of values with a time series of sentiment indicators. The correlation may be used in the analysis of the movement of shares, currencies and other financial instruments.