Why is there a significant gender gap in the global labor force
participation? Is there a way to reduce vulnerable employment? May
cultural values explain the gender gap in employment and
male-dominant work structure? This research examined the
associations between Hofstede’s culture dimensions (including power
distance, individualism, masculinity, uncertainty avoidance, and
long-term orientation) and gender gap in employment indicators (women’s
and men’s labor force participation and vulnerable employment
rates) after controlling the economy. Secondary data were obtained from
Hofstede’s culture dimensions and World Bank databases. When the
countries with missing data are excluded, remaining data of 60 countries
make up the data set of the study. Two-step hierarchical regression
analyses were performed, in which economic development was entered in
the first step and study variables were included in the model in the
second step. The main results indicated that after controlling economic
development, women’s labor force participation rate was negatively
related to country scores on uncertainty avoidance. In contrast,
men’s labor force participation rate was negatively associated with
country scores on power distance, individualism, and uncertainty
avoidance. Besides, both women’s and men’s vulnerable employment rates
were negatively related to country scores on individualism. The fact
that more women and men participate in the labor force in countries with
low power distance and uncertainty avoidance can be interpreted as
women’s labor force participation creates new job opportunities that
both women and men benefit from. The results may be useful for
researchers who aim to see the current gender-based labor force
participation patterns in different countries and understand the culture
dynamics of economic gender gap.