In this study, particulate matters (TSP, PM10, PM2.5 and PM10-2.5) which are hazardous for environment and human health were investigated in Erzurum urban atmosphere at a sampling point from February 2005 to February 2006. During sampling, two low volume samplers were used and each sampling period lasted approximately 24 h. In order for detection of representative sampling region and point of Erzurum, Kriging method was applied to the black smoke concentration data for winter seasons. Mass concentrations of TSP, PM10 and PM2.5 of Erzurum urban atmosphere were measured on average, as 129, 31 and 13 mu g/m(3), respectively, in the sampling period. Meteorological factors, such as temperature, wind speed, wind direction and rainfall were typically found to be affecting PMs, especially PM2.5. Air temperature did not seem to be significantly affecting TSP and PM10 mass concentrations, but had a considerably negative induction on PM2.5 mass concentrations. However, combustion sourced PM2.5 was usually diluted from the urban atmosphere by the speed of wind, soil sourced coarse mode particle concentrations (TSP, PM10) were slightly affected by the speed of wind. Rainfall was found to be decreasing concentrations to 48% in all fractions (TSP, PM10, PM10-2.5, PM2.5) and played an important role on dilution of the atmosphere. Fine mode fraction of PM (PM2.5) showed significant daily and seasonal variations on mass concentrations. On the other hand, coarse mode fractions (TSP, PM10 and PM10-2.5) revealed more steady variations. It was observed that fine mode fraction variations were affected by the heating in residences during winter seasons.