Synthesis and Characterization of Polypyrrole Nanoparticles and Their Nanocomposites with Poly(propylene)

Sevil B., Zuhal K.

73rd Meeting on New Frontiers in Macromolecular Science: From Macromolecular Concepts of the Living Matter to Polymers for Better Quality of Life, Prague, Czech Republic, 5 - 09 July 2009, vol.295, pp.59-60 identifier identifier

  • Publication Type: Conference Paper / Full Text
  • Volume: 295
  • Doi Number: 10.1002/masy.200900164
  • City: Prague
  • Country: Czech Republic
  • Page Numbers: pp.59-60
  • Keywords: conducting polymers, mechanical properties, nanocomposite, polypyrrole, poly(propylene), COMPOSITES, POLYMERIZATION
  • Middle East Technical University Affiliated: Yes


Conducting polypyrrole (PPy) nanoparticles were synthesized via microemulsion polymerization. PP/PPy nanocomposites were prepared by melt-mixing of polypyrrole with polypropylene (PP) and processed with injection molding. Tensile tests have revealed that increasing amount of PPy increased the strength and the stiffness of the nanocomposite while limiting the elongation of PP. Thermal gravimetric analysis has showed that incorporation of PPy nanoparticles has improved the thermal stability of the nanocomposites. Increasing amount of PPy nanoparticles increases the conductivity of nonconductive PP up to 2,4.10(-4) Scm(-1). The same techniques were used to characterize nanocomposites containing 2% w dispersant. Composites prepared with dispersant have involved smaller dimension PPy nanoparticles and exhibited improvement in some mechanical and thermal properties.