Phylogenetic and phylogeographic resolution of Botrylloides leachii (Savigny, 1816) in Northeastern Mediterranean

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Temiz B., Öztürk E., Karahan A.

INVERTEBRATE SURVIVAL JOURNAL, vol.17, pp.29, 2020 (SCI-Expanded)

  • Publication Type: Article / Abstract
  • Volume: 17
  • Publication Date: 2020
  • Journal Indexes: Science Citation Index Expanded (SCI-EXPANDED), Scopus, Academic Search Premier, BIOSIS, CAB Abstracts, Veterinary Science Database
  • Page Numbers: pp.29
  • Middle East Technical University Affiliated: Yes


Globally  distributed  sea  squirts,  tunicates,  are one  of  the  most  diverse  taxons  among  chordates. Two  genera  of  colonial  tunicates, Botryllusthought to originated in Mediterranean Sea including 32 and Botrylloideswith  19  species,  are  botryllid  ascidians spread  among  all  of  the world  seas.  The  presence of  6  botryllid  species  in  the  Eastern  Mediterranean Sea  particularly  in  Israel,  Egypt  and  Gulf  of  Suez shore  are  confirmed  which  are Botrylloides  leachii, Botrylloides  niger, Botrylloides  anceps, Botrylloides israliense, Botryllusschlosseriand Botryllus rosaceus.Tunicates    being    the    closest    invertebrate relatives  to  the  vertebrates  are  one  of  the  widely used  model  organisms  especially  in  developmental biology  and  immunology  studies.  Considering  their unique characteristics as including the only chordate group having the ability of whole-body regeneration, B.leachiihas  a  pivotal  role  in  these  studies  with another    special    feature    by    undergoing    into hibernation  when  the  ambient  conditions  are  not favorable.  In  this  study,  we  target  to  determine  the evolutionary  phylogenetic  status  of B.leachiiby estimating   its   resolution   and   biodiversity  in the North-eastern  Mediterranean Sea at 8 spatial stations  from  Antalya  to  Hatay  regions  employing mitochondrial  and  nuclear  DNA  markers  (COI  and H3) on over  hundreds   of   samples. Also the morphological  investigation   of   the   species performed and blastogeny (an asexual reproduction type) is analyzed. Besides, Kızkalesi  station selected as transient sampling residing is monitored through  a  year to understand the biodiversity characteristics combined with several ecological parameters such as salinity, temperature  and  tidal rhythms.