All about Pikler Pedagogy: Lessons from Pikler Pedagogy regarding Early Childhood Education

Sevinç E., Erden F., Yalçin F.

17. Uluslararası Sınıf Öğretmenliği Sempozyumu, Ankara, Turkey, 11 - 14 April 2018, pp.1223-1224

  • Publication Type: Conference Paper / Summary Text
  • City: Ankara
  • Country: Turkey
  • Page Numbers: pp.1223-1224
  • Middle East Technical University Affiliated: No


Abstract The effect of early interventions during infancy and toddlerhood on child development has already been documented by previous studies. The related literature supported that early child care interventions have a significant role in children’s cognitive, social, emotional, and language development. In that context, the role of day-care centers and home care have been investigated and in these studies, the influence of mothers, other caregivers and teachers upon child development was highlighted. Mothers or other primary caregivers provide a sense of security which is vital for children’s well-being via an important emotional bond. This emotional bond; attachment, is sometimes interrupted by various reasons. Children who lost their family or have no chance to be with their primary caregiver may suffer from this interruption or limitation of the attachment. Not only family loss but also parents who could not spend qualified time with their children may cause limited or insecure attachment. In that context daycare centers and early child care, approaches take the responsibility to support children’s development and protect their well-being. The current study, it was aimed to examine one of these supporting approaches: Pikler Pedagogy. In addition, the prominent applications of Pikler Pedagogy for developing countries and the adaptability of this pedagogy in similar contexts were emphasized. To this end, the current study was designed as qualitative research and the data was collected through document analysis. The study presented information such as the country profile of Hungary, general characteristics of its education, specifically the early childhood education system. As a result, based on the examined documents it could be stated that Pikler Pedagogy provides educators or caregivers a framework about how to satisfy children’s physical and emotional needs and how to support their whole development.

Keywords: Pikler Pedagogy, Emmi Pikler, Child Development