Food security issues in Turkey

Kasnakoglu H.

Symposium on World Agricultural Trade, at the Conference on Economics, Ankara, Turkey, 01 September 1997, pp.225-253 identifier

  • Publication Type: Conference Paper / Full Text
  • City: Ankara
  • Country: Turkey
  • Page Numbers: pp.225-253
  • Middle East Technical University Affiliated: No


Food security in Turkey is assessed with respect to supply, demand and policy. In the section on supply, the country's resource endowments, technology and the resulting food production are discussed. The section on demand considers the income generated in the country and the purchasing power of the members as well as their consumption habits. The section on policy reviews the role of government and its policies at both the macro- and micro-levels in facilitating, directing and harmonizing supply and demand toward the achievement of food security. First, a conceptual approach related to food security, self-sufficiency and nutrition is introduced. Second, the food security performance of the Turkish economy in the three decades since the 1960s is considered using these concepts. The evidence presented in this chapter suggests that Turkey is potentially a food-secure country-both in the short run and in the near future. Turkey's food supply is more than sufficient to meet the nutritional demands of its population. The exportation of Turkey's surplus food supply also has potential.