International Conference on Business and Technology (ICBT), İstanbul, Türkiye, 6 - 07 Kasım 2021, cilt.485, ss.247-261
This study explores the physical comfort factors from two generations of Age towards the preferable coffee shop. The study will evaluate the factors that contributed to the physical components in a coffee shop and categorized them into groups of clusters. The measurement was taken from the questionnaire distributed to 121 respondents of 18 to 29 years old and 109 respondents of 30 to 49 years old compared to generations. The method applied to achieve the objective was Exploratory Factor Analysis (EFA) using SPSS 25 with Principle Component Analysis (PCA). The findings indicated common and different factors for both generations regarding physical comfort factors about a coffee shop. The constructs derived from 21 items have been clustered into four factors: Facility, Atmosphere, Layout, and Decoration. The group of 18 to 29 years old has selected the various numbers of tables and seats as their highest factor of physical comfort while the group of 30 to 49 years old has chosen the cleanliness as a priority of physical comfort factor. The common factors for both generations were Facility and Layout. This study contributes to understanding the factors of physical comfort in a coffee shop in the design industry and service marketing business.