Electrochemically obtained insulating and conducting polymers and composites of acrylonitrile

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Yilmaz B., Akbulut U., Toppare L.

JOURNAL OF MACROMOLECULAR SCIENCE-PURE AND APPLIED CHEMISTRY, no.2, pp.261-291, 1998 (SCI-Expanded) identifier identifier


Electrochemically obtained polyacrylonitrile and a commercial polyacrylonitrile were heat treated to improve their conductivities. The parameters chosen for heat treatment conditions were the temperature, treatment medium (vacuum or air) and, doping agent. The conductivity of all heat treated polymers was measured. The characterization of the heat treated polymers was made by IR analysis. The composite films of polyacrylonitrile with polypyyrole and polythiophene were electrochemically prepared at different compositions. The change in the conductivity of composites was analyzed as a function of the percent composition of the insulating component. IR, DSC, TGA and SEM analyses were used to characterize the polymer composites.