Unraveling the Dynamics of Climate Resilience at the Neighborhood Level: An Actor-Network Theory Approach

Can D.

The 6th international conference on Changing Cities, Rodos, Greece, 24 - 28 June 2024, pp.193-195

  • Publication Type: Conference Paper / Summary Text
  • City: Rodos
  • Country: Greece
  • Page Numbers: pp.193-195
  • Middle East Technical University Affiliated: Yes


In recent years, the imperative to enhance climate resilience at the local level has gained significant
attention, with a growing recognition of the critical role of neighborhoods and frontline actors in
confronting climate change impacts. This paper adopts Actor-Network Theory (ANT) framework to
elucidate the complex network of actors and interactions involved in shaping climate resilience
strategies, policies, implications and their outcomes at the neighborhood level. Drawing on empirical
data from diverse urban neighborhoods, this study employs ANT as a methodological tool to unravel
the intricate web of relationships among human and non-human actors, institutions, and socio-
technical systems that influence the development and implementation of climate resilience strategies.
By analysig these actor-networks, the research seeks to investigate the mechanisms, challenges, and
opportunities for achieving climate resilience in neighborhood contexts.
Key components of the analysis include actor mapping, – i.e., the study systematically maps the
heterogeneous array of actors involved in climate resilience efforts at the neighborhood level, ranging
from residents, community organizations, and local government agencies to infrastructure systems,
ecological features, and technological artifacts, their relations with each other, collaboration and
cooperation. Following the identification and classification of these actors, this study highlights the
diverse interests, motivations, and capacities that shape resilience outcomes. Additionally, network
analysis techniques are applied to characterize the patterns of interaction, collaboration, and influence
within and across actor-networks, shedding light on the flow of resources, information, and power
dynamics that shape decision-making processes and governance structures related to climate
resilience in neighborhoods. Emphasizing the intertwined nature of social and technical dimensions,
the study investigates how socio-technical systems, such as green infrastructure, smart technologies,
and community-based initiatives, mediate and shape climate resilience outcomes. By examining the
roles and interactions of human and non-human actors within these systems, the research highlights
the socio-technical dynamics that underpin neighborhood-level resilience strategies. The findings of
this study have significant implications for policy, strategy and governance interventions aimed at
enhancing climate resilience in neighborhoods, because they highlight key actors, relationships, and
leverage points within actor-networks. Designs and implementations of targeted policies, programs,
and interventions to foster more adaptive, inclusive, and sustainable approaches to climate resilience
are suggested at neighborhood level according to the inferences of actor network analysis. By
employing ANT approach, this paper contributes in advancing theoretical and methodological
understandings of climate resilience at the neighborhood level, offering practical insights and
recommendations for urban climate policies to foster more resilient urban neighborhoods in the face
of climate change.