8th International Conference on Durability of Building Materials and Components (8dbmc), Vancouver, Canada, 30 May - 03 June 1999, pp.613-623
Well-designed programs are necessary for the efficient maintenance and monitoring studies of stone structures. The mapping of visual decay forms and the infrared imaging of surfaces are useful methods to establish such programs for them. The studies have been performed on the 13(th) century caravanserai in Aksaray named Agzikarahan. The program started with site investigation by visual analysis of the decay forms on the stone. It involved the visual classification of the observed decay forms and their mapping on measured drawings and drawings produced from rectified photographs. The visual decay forms were classified in groups and each decay form was also evaluated as a degree of damage. The second stage was to take infrared images of the stone surfaces to produce temperature distribution maps which have further been analysed for moisture distribution in the structure. In the light of these studies, sampling has been done for the laboratory analysis. Juxtaposition of the different maps, photographs and infrared images have exhibited the present problems of the structure and their distribution and facilitated to make the immediate and long-term conservation programs.