International Conference on Business and Technology, ICBT 2020, İstanbul, Turkey, 14 - 15 November 2020, pp.94-101
© 2021, The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Switzerland AG.For some years, as repeatedly as likely to increase of social media, fake news, have occur to a common public issue, in some event distribution more and quicker than the true information. Social media plays a main requirement in positive things during our social life. Social media life assists, we will position some important information with lower cost. It similarly gives easy conduit in limited time. In any case, at times web-based life gives ability for the quick distribution of false information. So, there is an open door that low quality information with false news is increase during the social media. This shows an insistent contact on the quantity of individuals. Here and there it may contact society too. Along these lines, detection of fake news has huge suggestion. False information has been spread out in more important volume and has formed ever more fraud, while fake news is very, it gets basic to application computational system to find out; this is the reason the use of python like “Count Vectorizer”, “Tfidf Vectorizer”, Model for the recognition of fake information in community datasets is planned. Python language was applied for experiments.