INDIAN JOURNAL OF PHYSICS, vol.85, no.4, pp.615-628, 2011 (SCI-Expanded)
The temperature-induced frequency shifts (1/omega)(a,omega/a,T) (p) are calculated from the pressure induced frequency shifts (1/omega)(a,omega/a,P) (T) using the observed frequencies at various pressures for the Raman modes of II and III in phase II (P > P (C) ) of s-triazine. The values of the mode Gruneisen parameters gamma (T) (isobaric) and gamma (T) (isothermal) of those Raman modes studied here, are determined through the Pippard relations in the spectroscopically modified forms for this crystal. The temperature-induced and the pressure-induced frequency shifts are then used to predict the pressure dependence of the isothermal compressibility, thermal expansion and the specific heat in phase II (P > P (C) ) of s-triazine.