34th Aerospace Sciences Meeting and Exhibit, 1996, Nevada, United States Of America, 15 - 18 January 1996
© 1996, American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Inc.The effect of aft-swept and forward-swept canards on the flowfield over a close-coupled canard-wing-body configuration at a 20 degree incidence angle is investigated in two low-speed wind tunnels over a Reynolds number range of 0.25 to 1 million. Laser sheet and oil flow visualization are used to observe the vortical flow and surface flow patterns. Surface pressure distributions are determined by means of pressure sensitive paint. Turbulent flow calculations are performed for the canard-off and for the aft-swept canardwing configurations, using the OVERFLOW Navier-Stokes solver. Both experiments and computations show that close-coupled canards delay the vortex breakdown over the wing. The computed pressure distributions are in good agreement with the pressure sensitive paint measurements from the apex of the wing to about 60% chord, but they start to deviate further downstream.