Digital Wideband Integrators With Matching Phase and Arbitrarily Accurate Magnitude Response

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Candan C.

IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON CIRCUITS AND SYSTEMS II-EXPRESS BRIEFS, vol.58, no.9, pp.610-614, 2011 (SCI-Expanded) identifier identifier


A new class of linear-phase infinite-impulse-response digital wideband integrators based on the numerical integration rules is presented. The proposed class of integrators exactly matches the desired phase response of the continuous-time integrator (after group delay compensation) and can approximate the magnitude response as closely as desired by increasing the number of system zeros, i.e., the order of the integrator. The low-order integrators (up to the fourth degree) generated by this technique can be immediately utilized in many applications such as strapdown inertial navigation systems, sampled data systems, and other applications that require accurate integration.