in: Şapınuva’ya adanmış hayatlar: Aygül Süel ve Mustafa Süel armağan kıtabı, Reyhan Esme,Murat Karakurt Leyla,Cengiz Tülin, Editor, Bilgin Kültür Sanaat Yayınları, Ankara, pp.311-318, 2024
Birds have played an important role in various aspects of the religion of the Late Bronze
in East Mediterranean (for example, see: Minnuno, 2013; Mutton, 2022:4; Recht, 2011). Much
information is gained on the topic based in written sources and iconography whilst very little
is known form zooarchaeological finds from excavations due to the rare discovery of actual
sacrifices. Even rarer are the finds of birds since the small and fragile bones of birds may not
have survived the test of time.