Experimental Setup for a Novel Mechanical Force Generator

Ekinci M. B., Yaman U., Soylu R.

IEEE 16th International Workshop on Advanced Motion Control (AMC), ELECTR NETWORK, 14 - 16 September 2020, pp.147-152 identifier

  • Publication Type: Conference Paper / Full Text
  • Page Numbers: pp.147-152
  • Keywords: mechanical force generator, speed control, DC motor performance
  • Middle East Technical University Affiliated: Yes


Mechanical Force Generator (MFG) is a planar and one degree of freedom mechanism that can provide any desired conservative force output that acts on its input links. One can reduce energy consumption of an actuator driving an existing machine by connecting an MFG (which provides any desired, optimum force variation) to a suitable link of the machine. In previous studies, determination of the optimum force variation has been investigated. In order to experimentally verify the performance improvement by coupling an MFG to a machine, a case study has been proposed. In this case study, a DC motor drives a symmetrical slider-crank mechanism at a constant angular speed. A conservative force is applied on the slider links of the mechanism and an MFG is designed to compensate for this conservative load on the motor. In this paper, the mechanical design and the electronic components of the experimental setup are explained. Finally, the controller performance and the power consumption of the actuator, with and without the application of the MFG, are discussed.