Thermal lattice scattering mobility and carrier effective mass in intrinsic Tl2InGaTe4 single crystals

Qasrawi A. F., Gasanly N.

JOURNAL OF PHYSICS-CONDENSED MATTER, vol.19, no.15, 2007 (SCI-Expanded) identifier identifier


Systematic structural, dark electrical resistivity and Hall coefficient measurements have been carried out on n- type Tl2InGaTe4 single crystals. The data from x- ray powder diffraction allowed determination of the tetragonal unit cell lattice parameters. Analysis of the electrical resistivity and carrier concentration, which was recorded in the temperature range 210 - 350 K, reveals the intrinsic type of conduction with an average energy band gap of 0.85 eV. The temperature- dependent Hall mobility was observed to follow the mu alpha T-3/2 law and was analysed assuming the domination of acoustic phonons scattering. The experimental Hall mobility data for Tl2InGaTe4 crystals agrees with the theoretical acoustic phonon scattering mobility data with an acoustic deformation potential of 7.6 eV.