Metal/metal laminates with controlled macrostructure: Problems and prospects

Ercan O., Yazar O., Soydaner E., Ozturk T.

NATO Advanced Research Workshop on Multilayered and Fibre-Reinforced Composites - Problems and Prospects, KIEV, Ukraine, 2 - 06 June 1997, vol.43, pp.455-464 identifier

  • Publication Type: Conference Paper / Full Text
  • Volume: 43
  • City: KIEV
  • Country: Ukraine
  • Page Numbers: pp.455-464
  • Middle East Technical University Affiliated: No


Prospect of producing metallic composites with controlled macrostructure via deformation processing is examined. The study combines numerical analysis(FEM) with experimental observations both made under plane strain and aims to determine conditions that would lead to macrostructure in which the reinforcements are refined with large aspect ratio and homogeneously distributed throughout the structure. The role of the inherent properties of the constituent phases and that of the geometric parameters, i.e., relative size and spacing of reinforcing layers of the initial composite production are considered. The study shows that incorporation of continuous reinforcements in the initial composite is advantageous in that it always ensures a uniform of distribution of reinforcements, even in cases where they rupture into fragments. Problems associated with conditions that lead to desirable macrostructure on the one hand and the ease of fabrication on the other are discussed.