The effects of an edible coating, i.e. Semperfresh(TM) and cold storage on shelf-life and duality of cherries there studied. Taro groups of cherries (Prunus avium) were coated just after harvest with 10 and 20 g/L Semperfresh(TM) fruit coating which is composed of sucrose esters of fatty acids, sodium carboxymethyl cellulose and mono-diglycerides of fatty-acids. Half of the cherries from each of the above groups was stored at ambient temperature (similar to30+/-3degreesC) and at 40-50% relative humidity, the outer half of the cherries was stored at cold storage 0degreesC) and at 95-98% relative humidity. Each group was analysed for the following quality parameters: firmness; weight loss, titratable acidity, soluble solid content, sugar content, ascorbic acid content, and external color. It was demonstrated that Semperfresh(TM) was elective to reduce the weight loss and increase firmness, ascorbic acid content, titratable acidity and skin color of cherries during storage tinge. However, soluble solid content and sugar content were not affected by coating. The results of this study, suggest that Semperfresh(TM) increased the shelf-life of the cherries by 21% at 30 +/- 3 degreesC and by 26% at 0degreesC without perceptible losses in quality. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.