Transformation of Architectural Types: From Garden-House to Apartment Block, the Case of Güven Housing Cooperative in Ankara, Turkey

Parlak Temizel N., Bilsel F. C.

Cities in the 21st Century - ISUF 2020 Symposium, Utah, United States Of America, 31 August - 03 September 2020, pp.1-11

  • Publication Type: Conference Paper / Full Text
  • City: Utah
  • Country: United States Of America
  • Page Numbers: pp.1-11
  • Middle East Technical University Affiliated: Yes


The Italian school of typo
morphology reformulates the definition of architectural type in such a
way that it refers to a set of quantitatively dominant buildings with common formal characteristics
as a resu
lt of certain factors effective in particular geography and in particular period. Due to
their physical dominance in the urban context, in
depth analysis of architectural types is crucial to
have a better understanding of any city.
This study is concerned
with the transformation process of the planned capital city Ankara from a
garden city with its garden
houses to a city of apartment blocks from the 1930s towards the 1970s.
It aims to investigate the underlying factors effective in the formation and transf
ormation of a
neighborhood with garden
houses into an urban fabric of apartment block types through the case
of Güven Housing Cooperative. The cooperative project, the first collective housing project
completed by a private enterprise in Turkey, provides a
good case to investigate the typo
morphological transformation process with its predominantly residential character.
Keywords: garden
house, apartment block, Ankara, typology, typomorphology