CURRENT AND EMERGING M-HEALTH TECHNOLOGIES, Sezgin,I. Yıldırım,S. Sümüer,sevgi ozkan yıldırım, Editör, Springer, London/Berlin , Berlin, ss.153-166, 2018
The current state of mobile technology demonstrated that dissemination of mobile health (mHealth) practices is dramatically increasing. However, the success of mobile health technologies does not depend on only the technology but the actual use as well. Understanding the perception and intention about mobile health use is important in order to utilize and adopt the mobile technologies in practice effectively. This chapter provided an overview on two different physician groups (mHealth application users and nonusers) revealing the differences in their attitudes (intentions of users and perceptions of nonusers) toward actual use of mHealth applications. The study employed a secondary research approach. A survey data collected from 137 mHealth user physicians and 122 nonuser physicians were used. A research model was tested in both groups, and the statistical findings were interpreted to identify the differences between the groups. Considering significant and nonsignificant factors influencing in each group, a number of suggestions were outlined in this chapter for developers, managers, and authorities.