International Congress of Psychology, Praha, Czech Republic, 18 - 23 July 2021
was defined as using technology to harm, humiliate, and exclude others
intentionally. Identifying the antecedents of cyberbullying perpetration is
crucial to reduce cyberbullying and to eliminate the detrimental consequences
of cyberbullying victimization. So far, very little attention has been paid to
the antecedent of cyberbullying. Evidence suggests that the Dark Triad (DT)
personality traits (psychopathy, narcissism and Machiavellianism), are among
the most important antecedents of cyberbullying perpetration. The current
meta-analysis aimed to investigate the effects of the DT Personality Traits on
cyberbullying perpetration with the moderating role of participants’ age group.
Relevant databases (i.e., Google Scholar, PsycINFO, ProQuest, Wiley Online
Library, Scopus, Science Direct, Web of Science) were systematically reviewed.
Only studies are written in Turkish and English, and studies that reported at
least one Pearson correlation coefficient between study variables were
included. In total, 22 study findings were integrated (k = 22, N = 12967 for
Machiavellianism - cyberbullying; k = 24, N = 12533 for narcissism -
cyberbullying; and k = 18, N = 10885 for psychopathy - cyberbullying). Study
samples were comprised of adolescents, university students and adults. In the
current study, a random-effect model was conducted through the R package.
DerSimonian- Laird estimator was used to estimate the variance of the true
effects. All analyses were performed with Fisher Z scores, which were
translated from Pearson correlation coefficients (r). Finally, findings were
converted back to the Pearson correlation. The findings revealed that the
overall effect sizes of psychopathy, narcissism and Machiavellianism on
cyberbullying were significant (r = .36, p < .001; r = .22, p < .001; r =
.31, p < .001; respectively). Furthermore, the moderating role of
participants’ age group in the link between psychopathy and cyberbullying was
found to be significant. However, the moderating role of participants’ age
group in the association between the other variables was found as
meta-analysis, cyberbullying, the Dark Triad Personality Traits.