TURK PSIKOLOJI DERGISI, cilt.30, sa.76, ss.19-31, 2015 (SSCI)
The McGurk effect has been used as an index of auditory-visual speech integration and explored in a variety of languages such as Japanese, English, German and Spanish. However, most languages still to be remain unchartered territories in auditory-visual speech perception research and Turkish is one of them. In this preliminary study, the status of McGurk effect among native Turkish speakers has been looked at using native (Turkish) and non-native (English) McGurk stimuli as well as visual-only (VO; lipreading) stimuli. Results showed that Turkish speakers give visually based responses above chance levels, i.e., use visual speech information when auditory and visual speech information are in conflict. In addition, similar to previous studies with other languages, Turkish speakers use more visual speech information when they are exposed to non-native speech than when they observe speech stimuli in their native language. No inter-language differences were observed in the lipreading condition. Results are discussed in the light of existing literature and further predictions regarding auditory-visual speech perception in the context of Turkish language are proposed.