IEEE International Conference on Mechatronics (ICM), Ilmenau, Germany, 18 - 20 March 2019, pp.287-292
Over the past years, the manufacturing industry has witnessed a great enhancement in the field of Additive Manufacturing that allows forming an inchoate market to produce custom-made products with low unit costs. At the same time, everyone may be a designer as well. However, the required equipment is only accessible for all the people. The Cloud Manufacturing aims to resolve this challenge by connecting the customers to the manufacturers. Therefore, this paper introduces a practical fabrication method for 3D printers which can bring flexibility and benefits to cloud manufacturing scheme. A model of this integration is provided and implemented on two types of 3D printers. Further, by printing sample specimens, the advantages of this approach such as using low memory size for operating each printer and the ability of changing the design during the fabrication process is described in details.