PHYSICAL REVIEW D, vol.72, no.7, 2005 (SCI-Expanded)
The left-right supersymmetric model contains a right-handed gaugino, as well as several Higgsinos, in addition to the minimal supersymmetric model. Thus several CP-noninvariant phases appear in this sector. We analyze their impact on chargino masses and find that only two combinations are physically relevant. We then study the production of charginos in e(+)e(-) annihilation and chargino decays into a sneutrino and a lepton, and investigate the effects of CP-phases. We also study the CP-odd asymmetry in the production and subsequent decay at the linear collider with longitudinally polarized beams and find a large enhancement when the decay channel to the right sneutrino is available. The effects of the phases in the left-right supersymmetric chargino sector are different from the minimal supersymmetric standard model, and signals from this sector would be able to distinguish between different gauge symmetries.