LANDSCAPE RESEARCH, vol.45, no.6, pp.724-741, 2020 (SSCI)
The rise of railways as urbanistic and landscape opportunities has generated new tracks in theory and practise. Apart from being decisive in the formation and development of the urban fabric, railways have also manipulated rural and urban landscape. With their surrounding land and integrated (sub)(infra)structure, they manifest infrastructural terrain where the interrupted relation amongst city, landscape and human can be rediscovered. Hence, this article intends to decode the infrastructural terrain along the Sincan-Kayas commuter line in Ankara (Turkey) and reflect on the fragmentation of the landscape fabric in order to appreciate the currently existing landscape fragments: linearscapes, heritage lands and desolate lands. By means of these three types, the commuter line, currently forming an urban obstacle, might be revealed as a reference for integrative infrastructural terrain introducing a new urban landscape agenda for Ankara.