Legal aspects of information and communication technologies implementation in the Turkish construction industry: Applicability of eLEGAL framework

Nielsen Y., Hassan T. M., Ciftci C.

JOURNAL OF PROFESSIONAL ISSUES IN ENGINEERING EDUCATION AND PRACTICE, vol.133, no.3, pp.255-264, 2007 (SCI-Expanded) identifier identifier


With increasing awareness of gains and importance of the strategic use of information and communication technologies (ICTs), the implementation rate of ICTs in the construction sector is increasing. However, these technologies have not been covered by legal and contractual practices. The industry needs to implement application frameworks and legal restructuring of the existing related laws and regulations to use ICT in a legal and contractually valid environment. The EU-funded eLEGAL project, which defined a legal framework for ICT uptake in construction, is selected as a model project to address legal and contractual issues regarding ICT use in the Turkish construction industry. The applicability of this project's results are discussed by using real cases and defining the barriers, opportunities, methods, and tools to use ICT in a legally admissible manner in the Turkish construction industry.