International Workshop on Software Measurement and the International Conference on Software Process and Product Measurement, 29 - 30 October 2020, vol.2725, pp.1-15
Challenges in agile adaptation is inevitable in software development projects and have to be dealt with by software practitioners. The pathway to ex- cellence in agility requires experience of challenges, failure of process scenarios; and the discovery of working solutions by software development teams. The ma- jor purpose of this study is to highlight both the challenges organizations faced when implementing agile techniques and the solutions adopted that proved suc- cessful. In order to specify these challenges and working solutions, we performed a multiple case study by using the Software Agility Assessment Reference Model (AgilityMod). In this paper, we describe two cases that achieve the highest levels of agility among eight cases and describe their experiences in achieving a good adaptation through the challenges that they faced and the solutions that were found for these challenges. Additionally, we provide two challenges that have not been resolved yet and are subject to further discussions.