Double charged scalars of littlest higgs model in ee colliders

Cagil A.

3rd International Workshop on Prospects for Charged Higgs Discovery at Colliders, CHARGED 2010, Uppsala, Sweden, 27 - 30 September 2010 identifier

  • Publication Type: Conference Paper / Full Text
  • City: Uppsala
  • Country: Sweden
  • Middle East Technical University Affiliated: Yes


Little Higgs models contain heavy scalars in their content of particles as a result of extended symmetry group of SM. In the littlest Higgs model of little Higgs models there exists a new heavy scalar triplet.The physical states of this triplet contains a double charged scalar, a single charged scalar, as well as a neutral scalar and a neutral pseudo scalar. In little Higgs models a Majorana type mass term can also be implemented in Yukawa Lagrangian, resulting lepton flavor violation. In this talk the pair productions of double charged scalars in the context of littlest Higgs model in e+e- colliders are presented. Also the final signatures of double charged scalars will be analyzed depending on lepton flavor violation parameters. Finally it will be presented that if there is lepton flavor violation, double charged scalars can be observed without any SM background in e+e- colliders with a collider signal of four leptons, otherwise if there is no lepton flavor violation they can be reconstructed with a background analysis. © Copyright owned by the author(s) under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike Licence.