2018 - Continues Professor
Middle East Technical University, Faculty of Engineering, Department of Civil Engineering
2013 - 2018 Associate Professor
Middle East Technical University, Faculty of Engineering, Department of Civil Engineering
2009 - 2013 Assistant Professor
Middle East Technical University, Faculty of Engineering, Department of Civil Engineering
2007 - 2009 Lecturer
Middle East Technical University, Faculty of Engineering, Department of Civil Engineering
2012 - Continues Head of Department
Middle East Technical University, Graduate School of Natural and Applied Sciences, Cement Engineering
2005 - 2007 Araştırmacı
National Institute of Standards and Technology
2001 - 2005 Araştırma Asistanı
University of Texas at Austin
Replacement of the basic and acidic components of magnesium potassium phosphate cement with calcium sulphoaluminate cement and fly ash phosphate salts
Erdoğan S. T., Akgül Ç. (Co-Advisor)
H.MAZAHERI(Student), Postgraduate, 2022 -
Finite element implementation of a model to estimate the permanent strain of cyclically-loaded soil
ERDOĞAN S. T. (Advisor)
Production of low-energy cements using various industrial wastes
ERDOĞAN S. T. (Advisor)
Development of magnesium potassium phosphate cement pastes and mortars incorporating fly ash
ERDOĞAN S. T. (Advisor)
Influence of perlite addition on the strength development and thermal stability of calcium aluminate cement mortars
ERDOĞAN S. T. (Advisor)
Production of aerated alkali-activated slag pastes and mortars using hydrogen peroxide
Erdoğan S. T., Bayer Ö. (Co-Advisor)
Production of silica fume-based geopolymeric foam
ERDOĞAN S. T. (Advisor)
Room-temperature phosphate ceramics made with Afşin-Elbistan fly ash /
ERDOĞAN S. T. (Advisor)
Effect of particle size on heat of hydration of pozzolan incorporated cements /
ERDOĞAN S. T. (Co-Advisor), TOKYAY M. (Co-Advisor)
Early heat evolution of different – sized portland cements incorporating ground granulated blast furnace slag
ERDOĞAN S. T. (Co-Advisor), TOKYAY M. (Co-Advisor)
Effect of combining different cement clinkers and slag with controlled finenesses on mortar strength and heat of hydration
ERDOĞAN S. T. (Advisor)
Comparison of the strength developments of interground and separately ground marble-incorporated cement mortars
ERDOĞAN S. T. (Advisor)
Effect of coating materials and mixture constituents on the permeability of concrete
ERDOĞAN S. T. (Advisor)
Early heat evolution in natural pozzolan-incorporated cement hydration
ERDOĞAN S. T. (Co-Advisor), TOKYAY M. (Co-Advisor)
Determination of relations between elastic properties of cement mortars by using destructive and nondestructive methods
ERDOĞAN S. T. (Advisor)
Alkali-silica rectivity and activation of ground perlite-containing cementitious mixtures
ERDOĞAN S. T. (Advisor)
Alkali-silica reactivity and activation of ground perlite-containing cementitious mixures
ERDOĞAN S. T. (Advisor)
A.ÜNSAL(Student), Postgraduate, 2009