Education Information
1994 - 2000 Doctorate
Brandeis University, United States Of America
1991 - 1993 Postgraduate
Ihsan Dogramaci Bilkent University, Instıtute Of Engıneerıng And Natural Scıences, Matematik (Yl) (Tezli), Turkey
1987 - 1991 Undergraduate
Ihsan Dogramaci Bilkent University, Faculty Of Engıneerıng, Department Of Electrıcal And Electronıcs Engıneerıng, Turkey
2000 Doctorate
Duality/Propagation Properties of Gauge Theories and Attempts at Supersymmetry Breaking in N=4 SYM
Brandeis University
1993 Postgraduate
An Integrable Family of Monge-Ampere Equations and Their Multi-Hamiltonian Structure,
Bilkent Üniversitesi
Foreign Languages
C1 Advanced English