Summer Computer Simulation Conference 2009, SCSC 2009, Part of the 2009 International Summer Simulation Multiconference, ISMc, İstanbul, Turkey, 13 - 16 June 2009, vol.41, pp.117-124
In this paper we take a particular stand to the problem of dynamism support in simulation environments by adopting DEVS based modeling and simulation approachand by building upon our previous work on SiMA, a DEVS- based simulation framework developed at TUBITAK UEKAE. Our contribution to the work in this field is two fold: 1 - we have implemented a specialized form of basic DEVS formalism via SiMA (Simulation Modeling Architecture) 2- We have extended SiMA with dynamism support by building upon our specialized basic DEVS formalism with dynamism extensions that arc comparable (but not equivalent) to those given in dynDEVS. Our approach conforms to both dynDEVS and dynNDEVS as the underlying formal specification, with some non- disruptive extensions to the original formal semantics. One particular contribution we offer is the systematic framework upport for post-structural-change state synchronization among models with related couplings, in a way that benefits from the strongly-typed execution environment SiMA provides. © 2009 Simulation councils, inc.