Athens: ATINER'S Conference Paper Series, vol.2015, no.1775, pp.3-14, 2016 (Peer-Reviewed Journal)
The continuation and success of educational reforms need teachers’ awareness
on those reforms. When the people do not understand educational reforms,
vital educational reforms will fail to get approved or be implemented. The
present study was an attempt to explore the teacher candidates’ views on
educational reform. 36 prospective teachers participated in this study. The
data were collected in the 2014-2015 academic year by using semi-structured
interviews. The findings of this study revealed that the majority of prospective
teachers are not familiar with the reasons of recent educational reform. A
significant majority of the respondents had the view that the Educational
reforms bring little benefits and in some cases damage both the teachers and
the students. The study concluded that a well-organized change is essential in
teacher education programs in order to encourage teacher candidates to be
involved critically in, and with, the educational system, in which they will
Keywords: benefits of educational reform, educational reform, educational
reform in Turkey, teacher candidates, teacher education