Influence of ground motion intensity on the performance of low- and mid-rise ordinary concrete buildings

Akkar S., Sucuoglu H., Yakut A.

Workshop on Future Directions in Instrumentation for Strong Motion and Engineering Seismology, Kusadasi, Turkey, 17 - 21 May 2004, vol.58, pp.123-138 identifier

  • Publication Type: Conference Paper / Full Text
  • Volume: 58
  • City: Kusadasi
  • Country: Turkey
  • Page Numbers: pp.123-138
  • Middle East Technical University Affiliated: Yes


Fragility functions are determined for low- and mid-rise ordinary concrete buildings. A hybrid approach is employed where building capacities are obtained from field data and their dynamic responses are calculated by response history analysis. Lateral stiffness, strength and deformation capacities of the sample buildings are determined by pushover analyses. Uncertainties in lateral stiffness, strength and damage limit states are expressed by using statistical distributions. The seismic deformation demands of the subject buildings are calculated under 82 ground motions. Peak ground velocity is selected as the measure of seismic intensity since it has been observed that maximum inelastic displacements are better correlated with PGV. The results have revealed that the type of investigated buildings is highly Vulnerable to strong ground shaking expected during the future earthquakes. Moreover, their fragility increases with the number of stories.