Fouling Analysis for Different UF Membranes in Reactive Dyeing Wastewater Treatment

ZAF R. D., Oruc B. K., ERKANLI M., YILMAZ L., YETİŞ Ü., Culfaz-Emecen Z.

Frontiers International Conference on Wastewater Treatment (FICWTM), Palermo, Italy, 21 - 24 May 2017, vol.4, pp.650-655 identifier

  • Publication Type: Conference Paper / Full Text
  • Volume: 4
  • Doi Number: 10.1007/978-3-319-58421-8_102
  • City: Palermo
  • Country: Italy
  • Page Numbers: pp.650-655
  • Middle East Technical University Affiliated: Yes


In this study, different ultrafiltration (UF) membranes are analyzed by means of their fouling characteristics. The aim of the work is pointing the most suitable membrane type for reactive-dying wastewater. Five different UF membranes (5 kDa PES (polyethersulfone), 5 kDa and 1 kDa RC (regenerated cellulose), 2 kDa TFC (thin film composite) and 3,5 kDa polypiperazine-amide) were compared based on color (as absorbance at wavelengths of 436, 525 and 620 nm) and TOC treatment efficiency, permeate flux and fouling reversibility. As a concurrent execution, in order to correlate membrane surface and fouling characteristics, the contact angle and roughness of these five different UF membranes are investigated. The overall results achieved indicated that composite membranes (TFC and polypiperazine-amide) are the best membranes among the tested ones, providing the highest color and TOC removals along with an acceptable fouling reversibility.