in: Novel Techniques in Maintenance, Repair, and Overhaul, T. Hikmet Karakoc,Ivan A. Kostić,Aleksandar Grbović,Jelena Svorcan,Alper Dalkiran,Ali Haydar Ercan,Ognjen M. Peković, Editor, Springer Nature Switzerland Ag, Belgrade, pp.283-289, 2023
In this paper, a brief review is given of the physics of oscillating foil propulsion. It is then shown that the jet flow generated by an oscillating foil can be used as a flow control device. Experimental and computational fluid dynamic investigations are presented that show that the separated flow downstream of a rounded foil trailing edge can be reattached by positioning an oscillating foil in the separated flow region. Therefore, further studies of the interaction between small oscillating foils placed in the boundary layer or wake regions of stationary foils appear warranted.