Static and Dynamic Aeroelastic Analysis of a Very Light Aircraft

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Demirer H. G., Kayran A.

Ankara International Aerospace Conference, Ankara, Turkey, 8 - 10 September 2021, no.2021057, pp.1-14

  • Publication Type: Conference Paper / Full Text
  • City: Ankara
  • Country: Turkey
  • Page Numbers: pp.1-14
  • Middle East Technical University Affiliated: Yes


Aircraft design processes need to ensure that the aircraft will be aeroelastically stable within itsoperational envelope. This paper presents an overview of the static aeroelastic analysis results,flutter analysis and gust response analysis results of a very light aircraft. MSC.FlightLoadsand MSC.Nastran are used for aeroelastic modeling and analysis. Aerodynamic calculations arebased on the Doublet-Lattice Method (DLM), the aerodynamic theory employed by Nastran forsubsonic flows. DLM requires all lifting surfaces to be parallel to the free stream. In this study,aerodynamic load distribution is corrected by including the camber and the angle of incidence ofthe wing through the addition of initial downwash to the aerodynamic mesh. DLM correctionresulted in considerable changes in trim variables and aerodynamic pressure distribution outputsof static aeroelastic analysis. It is revealed by dynamic aeroelastic stability analysis that thereis no flutter issue within the flight envelope and the flutter speed is much greater than the divespeed. Dynamic response analyses indicated that the response of the aircraft dies out in a shorttime and the model shows a dynamically stable behavior.Aircraft design processes need to ensure that the aircraft will be aeroelastically stable within itsoperational envelope. This paper presents an overview of the static aeroelastic analysis results,flutter analysis and gust response analysis results of a very light aircraft. MSC.FlightLoadsand MSC.Nastran are used for aeroelastic modeling and analysis. Aerodynamic calculations arebased on the Doublet-Lattice Method (DLM), the aerodynamic theory employed by Nastran forsubsonic flows. DLM requires all lifting surfaces to be parallel to the free stream. In this study,aerodynamic load distribution is corrected by including the camber and the angle of incidence ofthe wing through the addition of initial downwash to the aerodynamic mesh. DLM correctionresulted in conAircraft design processes need to ensure that the aircraft will be aeroelastically stable within itsoperational envelope. This paper presents an overview of the static aeroelastic analysis results,flutter analysis and gust response analysis results of a very light aircraft. MSC.FlightLoadsand MSC.Nastran are used for aeroelastic modeling and analysis. Aerodynamic calculations arebased on the Doublet-Lattice Method (DLM), the aerodynamic theory employed by Nastran forsubsonic flows. DLM requires all lifting surfaces to be parallel to the free stream. In this study,aerodynamic load distribution is corrected by including the camber and the angle of incidence ofthe wing through the addition of initial downwash to the aerodynamic mesh. DLM correctionresulted in considerable changes in trim variables and aerodynamic pressure distribution outputsof static aeroelastic analysis. It is revealed by dynamic aeroelastic stability analysis that thereis no flutter issue within the flight envelope and the flutter speed is much greater than the divespeed. Dynamic response analyses indicated that the response of the aircraft dies out in a shorttime and the model shows a dynamically stable behavior.sideAircraft design processes need to ensure that the aircraft will be aeroelastically stable within itsoperational envelope. This paper presents an overview of the static aeroelastic analysis results,flutter analysis and gust response analysis results of a very light aircraft. MSC.FlightLoadsand MSC.Nastran are used for aeroelastic modeling and analysis. Aerodynamic calculations arebased on the Doublet-Lattice Method (DLM), the aerodynamic theory employed by Nastran forsubsonic flows. DLM requires all lifting surfaces to be parallel to the free stream. In this study,aerodynamic load distribution is corrected by including the camber and the angle of incidence ofthe wing through the addition of initial downwash to the aerodynamic mesh. DLM correctionresulted in considerable changes in trim variables and aerodynamic pressure distribution outputsof static aeroelastic analysis. It is revealed by dynamic aeroelastic stability analysis that thereis no flutter issue within the flight envelope and the flutter speed is much greater than the divespeed. Dynamic response analyses indicated that the response of the aircraft dies out in a shorttime and the model shows a dynamically stable behavior.rable changes in trim variables and aerodynamic pressure distribution outputsof static aeroelastic analysis. It is revealed by dynamic aeroelastic stability analysis that thereis no flutter issue within the flight envelope and the flutter speed is much greater than the divespeed. Dynamic response analyses indicated that the response of the aircraft dies out in a shorttime and the model shows a dynamically stable behavior.