European Simulation Interoperability Workshop 2006, Stockholm, Sweden, 19 - 22 June 2006, pp.191-200
There has been a recent interest in the model-based development approach in the modeling and simulation community. Domain-specific metamodels and model transformations constitute the cornerstones of this approach. We are developing transformations from the Field Artillery (FA) domain model into the Object Model Template (OMT) model. In OMG's Model-Driven Architecture (MDA) terminology, the former corresponds to the CIM (computation-independent model) or, arguably, PIM (platform-independent model), and the latter corresponds to the PSM (platform-specific model), where the platform is HLA. We restrict our source domain of interest to observed (indirect) fire, and emphasize technical, rather than tactical issues. We construct the metamodels with GME, a meta-programmable domain-specific modeling environment, and implement model transformations with GReAT, a model transformation generator based on graph transformations. In the currently implemented rudimentary strategy, the FA domain entities are transformed into federates, and the communicated messages are transformed into object and interaction classes.