Journal of Educational Technology Development and Exchange, vol.15, no.2, pp.1-14, 2022 (Scopus)
Advancements in science and technology are mobilizing higher education landscapes into borderless settings. Such changes also urge higher education settings to adopt transformative learning opportunities into their curriculum policy. Universities are accountable for helping youth build on their 21st Century competences by highlighting societal issues at global levels such as climate change, refugee crises or big human movements due to poverty, politics, conflicts, wars, or natural disasters. Youth need to build on knowledge, skills, and competences to recognize that any crises in one location can have an immediate impact on neighboring countries primarily and the whole world and challenge their potential to act as global citizens in their deeds and decisions as future change agents for a peaceful future. In this paper, we highlight the need to invest in global citizenship capabilities that will enable higher education students to go beyond their academic settings and network with international students via digital tools. In this paper, higher education students are regarded as future change agents who are willing to develop accountability toward the entire globe by investing in their socio-ecological, socio-critical and socio-emotional capabilities.
Keywords: higher education curriculum policy, transformative learning, global citizenship, educational technology