in: Modeling Solar Radiation at the Earth Surface, Viorel Badescu, Editor, Springer-Verlag , Bucuresti, pp.115-141, 2008
Chapter 5
Recent Advances in the Relations between Bright Sunshine Hours and Solar Irradiation
Bulent G. Akinoglu
1 Introduction
It seems quite a realistic view to state that the data of bright sunshine hours are
the only long term, reliable and readily available measured information that can be
used to reach highly accurate estimates of solar irradiation values on the Earth surface.
Kimball at 1919 demonstrated for the first time the existence of the relation
between the average daily irradiation obtained by means of phyroheliometric and
photometric measurements and the duration of sunshine measured by a Marvin sunshine
recorder. He presented the relations graphically and included also the relation
between the solar irradiation and cloudiness. Using the data of several locations in
USA he came to a conclusion that: “In fact, the radiation-ratio and sunshine data
plot very nearly on the straight line connecting 100% sunshine and 0% sunshine
radiation intensities” (Kimball 1919).
Alternatively, one might exclaim that the history started at 1924, with a simple
empirical linear relation proposed by Angstr¨om (1924). Since then hundreds
of articles appeared in the literature from all over the world which made use of
this well-known Angstr¨om’s linear correlation in the same, similar and/or modified
manner. The correlation derived by Angstr¨om from measured data of Stockholm, in
its original form, was:
H = Hc (0.25+0.75n/N) (5.1)
where H and Hc are the total irradiation income on horizontal surface for a day and
for a perfectly clear sky, respectively while n/N is the time of sunshine expressed
as the fraction of greatest possible time of sunshine. One of the chief results that
Angstr¨om reached was “A clear conception of the radiation climate . . . cannot be
obtained without a detailed experience of the amount of energy furnished by the
diffuse radiation” (Angstr¨om 1924).
Bulent G. Akinoglu
Middle East Technical University, Ankara, Turkey, e-mail: