WMESS 2019, Praha, Czech Republic, 9 - 13 September 2019
Abstract. The studied successions in the Central Taurides were mainly deposited in a shallow
marine environment during the Early Carboniferous time. Conodonts are one of the most
important microfossil groups for the Lower Carboniferous biostratigraphy. The measured
sections are not rich in conodonts but important species including those of the Lower
Carboniferous boundary conodonts. The conodont elements recorded in this study include
Gnathodus cuneiformis, Gnathodus girtyi girtyi, Gnathodus girtyi simplex, Kladognathus sp.,
Lochriea commutata and Vogelgnathus campbelli. Based on the recovered conodont
assemblages, Visean - Serpukhovian boundary has been recognized by the first occurrence of
Gnathodus girtyi simplex. Conodont faunal variations in Paleozoic to Triassic marine deposits
are generally environmentally controlled. Within the context of paleoenvironmental
interpretations, different microfacies types could be determined by microfacies criteria reflecting
patterns of the depositional environments. The types of microfacies and their environmental
interpretations can provide a framework for conodont paleoecology. The defined facies types in
BSE section are mainly crinoidal bioclastic packstone, bioclastic grainstone, sandy oolitic
grainstone, quartz-peloidal grainstone and quartz arenitic sandstone facies. Crinoidal bioclastic
packstones and bioclastic grainstones are suitable facies for conodonts owing to environmental
conditions. Bioclasts associated with the conodonts are mainly crinoids, fusulinids, algae,
echinoids, brachiopods and ostracods. Conodont elements could not be recorded from sandy
oolitic grainstone and quartz arenitic sandstone facies due to the deposition in high energy
environments under unstable conditions.