3rd International fib Congress and Exhibition, Incorporating the PCI Annual Convention and Bridge Conference 2010, Washington, United States Of America, 29 May - 02 June 2010
Six full scale column specimens designed for pure flexure failure were tested in this study under severe cyclic displacement histories. Typical column designs were employed in the tests representing code conforming columns. The main variable in the experiments was the imposed displacement histories. The deformation-based performance limits proposed by Eurocode 8 predicted the experimental performance of code conforming columns quite well whereas ASCE/SEI 41 performance limits appeared to be highly conservative. TDY 2007 performance limits were also found to be reasonable in predicting the experimental performance of column plastic hinges designed to fail in pure flexure under moderate axial load levels. Analytical studies on SDOF structures representing flexural column behavior revealed that the effect of displacement history on the target drift demands of concrete structures is significant under severe earthquake ground motions.