A high-throughput microfluidic rare cell enrichment system based on dielectrophoresis and filtering

Ozkayar G., Yalcin Y. D., Ozgur E., GÜNDÜZ U., Kulah H.

26th Anniversary World Congress on Biosensors (Biosensors), Gothenburg, Sweden, 25 - 27 May 2016, vol.27, pp.177-178 identifier

  • Publication Type: Conference Paper / Full Text
  • Volume: 27
  • Doi Number: 10.1016/j.protcy.2017.04.076
  • City: Gothenburg
  • Country: Sweden
  • Page Numbers: pp.177-178
  • Middle East Technical University Affiliated: Yes


In this study, a MEMS-based microfluidic device combining DEP-based cell manipulation with size-based filtration for the enrichment of CTCs from blood with high-throughput was developed. Positive-DEP (pDEP) force and the hydrodynamic force have been used to fine-tune the cell movement over the planar electrodes (sliding) at a high flow rate (30 mu l/min). While smaller sized RBCs passed through the gaps and were directed to the waste channels, cancer cells (K562 cells) were filtered and directed to the cancer cell outlet. A cell enrichment factor and depletion rate of RBCs were calculated as 1.45 and 60%, respectively. (C) 2017 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd.