Practices of politicizing gentrification: The emergence organization and governance of an urban issue in three European neighborhoods

De Haan F., Kayasü S., Yetişkul Şenbil E.

2016 American Association of Geographers Annual Meeting, California, United States Of America, 29 March - 02 April 2016

  • Publication Type: Conference Paper / Summary Text
  • City: California
  • Country: United States Of America
  • Middle East Technical University Affiliated: Yes


For some, political issues are to be found in a particular place, like a parliament. For others, the political is 'everywhere'. From a pragmatic perspective, however, both seem rather unrealistic. In terms of 'practices of politicizing', which make things political (cf. Çaliskan and Callon 2009 on 'practices of economization' making things economic), there are many ways of finding and handling political issues, from a Deweyan formation of a public to a Machiavellian power play to a Foucauldian governmentality (Latour, 2007). As a political issue, gentrification is also dealt with in many different political practices enacted by different communities and states. Although recent overviews of global urbanisms and gentrifications sometimes seem to imply so (e.g. Lees et al. 2015), not all of these practices of politicizing are in any straightforward sense 'neoliberal' (or 'depoliticized'). To explore the rich multiplicity of practices of politicizing gentrification, three neighborhoods in Vienna (AT), Istanbul (TR) and Arnhem (NL) will be compared in terms of how the matter of concern emerges and is processed politically in ways more or less institutionalized.